There's this place in Concord that was announced like, last year and I've been waiting for its opening. And the day is finally here! We found out it was opened and went to try it out! The place is called Coco Swirl.
Since I tried Red Mango (actually before Red Mango when I tried frozen yogurt from Lollicup) I've been hooked! We tried this place in SF that was also self serve and I was disappointed that the frozen yogurt wasnt tarty.
We got Vanilla and Mango. Topped with Mango, Lychee, Mochi & Gummy Bears.
It was delicious!!! And pretty cheap. $.40 an ounce. Both the vanilla and mango were tarty. So I was happy =). I'm pretty excited about it, its right next to my school yay!
I'll try to blog more tomorrow, my day off before I go back to work!