My good friend and I decided to go to Eat Real (and bring our boyfriends with us) which was held at Jack London Square. We arrived there at 10:30AM and the place was still being set up so we went into a building that seemed like everything in it was organic. Tried a bunch of samples only to realize that organic isnt my cup of tea.

Organic Gourmet S'more. This was really good, the chocolate was pretty rich. Thanks Jon!
By the time we finished walking the entire building, the place was packed! Which way to go first?! There werent any lines yet, so we tried to grab up as much as we could get before the lines started forming. I didnt take a picture of everything. Unfortunately.

Seoul On Wheels Korean BBQ. This was a.... chicken taco I believe. The chicken was really good, but the taco itself was spicy. I have a love/hate with spicy food, depending on my mood but this was really spicy to me (I have a low tolerance, I cant even eat an entire bag of Hot Cheetos with Lime -- which are my fav -- in one sitting without taking deep breaths the rest of the day). The boyfriend really liked it though. Thanks Mae!

Of course had to get some Kara's Cupcakes! Not my favorite, boyfriend's favorite. They didnt have Red Velvet so we settled for vanilla. Jon had some... strawberry basil ice cream thing that sounded odd, but was really really refreshing. Dont have a picture of that.

The heat caused the frosting to get really mushy and warm. So, that sucked! The cupcake was a lot sweeter than usual which is a surprise since considering my URL name... lol.
We also tried some Goat Milk Ice Cream which was actually really good. They had another cupcake truck of a place I wanted to try but with the heat, I was done with cupcakes for the day. Stood in line for a really long time for a really small cup of lemonade (the lines were starting to form after 12, it was nuts!) and we took a picture with a rubber chicken and a lobster!
The event was pretty cool, never been to something like it and wouldnt mind going again.