My husband and I decided to bake some cookies last night, I love these! My mom had made the Easter version last year and I just love the swirled chocolate chips.

My husband was getting frustrated because every time he turned around, I'd grab a square of cookie dough and eat it! Haha. He was like "did you want cookies or just
cookie dough?!" and he tried to scare me with the worms-growing-in-your-stomach story. I wasnt buying it! Besides, instead of figuring out how to make 24 cookies, now we only had to worry about 20 :) I think I actually helped the situation!

I'm not a fan of my oven. I can never remember if I should bake things on the top rack or the bottom. So at first, we had these at the bottom. And they burned around the edges but were raw in the middle so the husband switch it to the top and they just burned completely lol. I'm up for a second try!
The only frustrating part was that my parents had came home around the time we were making them and they were freaking out at the fact that they cookies were slightly burned. Did they forget I went to
culinary school? I'm not going to burn down the kitchen, goodness.
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